Tech events: Networking bonanza

How to pitch personal development opportunities to your boss

Tech event networking bonanza

The tech world moves fast. Staying ahead of the curve requires constant learning and exposure to new ideas. B2B tech events offer a treasure trove of knowledge, networking opportunities, and a chance to peek into the future of your industry. But convincing your manager to let you attend can feel like climbing a firewall. Here's how to break through and secure that coveted "attend" stamp:

Do your Research

Before you approach your boss, become an expert on the specific event. Understand the agenda, speakers, and target audience. Identify sessions that directly align with your current projects or the company's strategic goals. Knowing the cost of registration and potential travel expenses is also crucial.

Craft a compelling case

Don't just say "it would be cool to go." Frame your request as a strategic investment. Here's a template to get you started:

  • Event: Briefly introduce the event and its reputation.
  • Relevance: Explain how the event aligns with your role or the company's goals. Highlight specific sessions you'll attend and the knowledge you'll gain.
  • Benefits: Focus on the tangible benefits. Will you learn new skills applicable to current projects? Can you identify potential partners or vendors?
  • Knowledge Sharing: Demonstrate your commitment to sharing the knowledge. Briefly outline how you'll share key takeaways with your team or department.
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Show initiative

Don't expect your boss to handle all the logistics. Research and propose cost-saving measures like finding budget-friendly accommodations or exploring remote participation options.

Focus on ROI (Return on Investment)

This is all about value. Estimate the time you'll need away and assure your manager that your workload will be covered. Emphasise how the knowledge gained will translate into increased productivity or problem-solving abilities.

Network like a pro!

Make the most of the event. Set goals for networking, whether it's connecting with industry experts, potential clients, or even competitors to understand their approach. Offer to write a post-event report summarising your learnings and key takeaways for the team.

By presenting a well-researched proposal that highlights the value proposition for both you and the company, you'll increase your chances of securing that coveted "yes" and propelling yourself (and your company) to the forefront of the tech scene.

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