Show initiative
Don't expect your boss to handle all the logistics. Research and propose cost-saving measures like finding budget-friendly accommodations or exploring remote participation options.
Focus on ROI (Return on Investment)
This is all about value. Estimate the time you'll need away and assure your manager that your workload will be covered. Emphasise how the knowledge gained will translate into increased productivity or problem-solving abilities.
Network like a pro!
Make the most of the event. Set goals for networking, whether it's connecting with industry experts, potential clients, or even competitors to understand their approach. Offer to write a post-event report summarising your learnings and key takeaways for the team.
By presenting a well-researched proposal that highlights the value proposition for both you and the company, you'll increase your chances of securing that coveted "yes" and propelling yourself (and your company) to the forefront of the tech scene.