Public Relations: Your secret weapon to boost sales

Written by Editor | Jul 18, 2024 12:37:56 PM

By Ané-Sonet Bresler, Head of Investor Relations at Decusatio

All businesses have one very specific thing in common - sales. Whether it is a product or service… all businesses are selling something. Getting people to buy-in to what they are selling is often one of the greatest challenges businesses face – that’s why books like How to win friends and influence people, by Dale Carnegie that was first published in 1936, still remains a bestseller nearly 90 years later. Buy-in is the acceptance of and willingness to actively support and participate in something. Buying a product is not necessarily the same as buying-in to a product or business. But when a business secure buy-in the probability of the client buying a product increases drastically because they support the business on a deeper level than just to satisfy their need to purchase. 

So, how do you get people to buy-in to whatever it is you’re selling? With your secret weapon: An integrated Public Relations (PR) strategy.

Whatever you do, or wherever you go – your reputation precedes you. PR is the maintenance of a positive reputation of a company, brand, or person – therefore, ensuring good, positive interactions with yourself or your brand in the public domain will establish credibility and trust with stakeholders to ensure you are their first choice when it comes to making a purchase decision.

Zig Ziglar said: “Every sale has 5 obstacles: No Time, No Money, No Hurry, No Desire and No Trust.”

Public Relations is your secret weapon to establish trust and curate messages that develop a desire in people to want to engage with you, your product or your service. Your value proposition curated in the stories shared through public relations will take care of the rest.