Transforming fintech with bold innovations: Q&A with Nedbank’s Chipo Mushwana

Written by Editor | Jul 25, 2024 10:31:49 AM

In this interview Chipo Mushwana, Executive: Emerging Innovation and Payments at Nedbank, takes us through the transformative work of Women in Payments in Africa, explains how Nedbank is shaping and supporting economic growth and financial inclusion in Africa and shares some of the innovative payment solutions Nedbank has been responsible for.

Please unpack your role as Executive of Emerging Innovation and Payments at Nedbank

My responsibility is to ensure the business is prepared for the future by predicting upcoming trends and analysing data in various scenarios to make informed decisions.

What excites you about what you do?

I am grateful to work alongside incredible individuals in a company that shares my values, allowing me to collaborate across all levels of the organisation. Together, we create valuable solutions that assist our customers in effectively managing and growing their finances.

You have been in this role for nearly 6 years – can you identify what have been some of your most memorable AHA moments?
  • Recognising the incredible work done by women in this space and feeling inspired to build upon their achievements
  • Recognising that my potential for success is limitless, as I am constantly striving to improve and grow