Meet Esay Reddy - The Standard Bank Top Women EmpowHER 2023 mentor

The Standard Bank Top Women EmpowHER series equips women with the necessary skills and knowledge to build successful businesses that contribute to economic development in South Africa. We find out about more about the mentor of the 2023 winner, Mrs Esay Reddy
Meet Esay Reddy - The Top Women EmpowHER 2023 mentor

By Alexandra Kotchoubei

Mrs Esay Reddy, the Executive Director & CEO of KZN Oils (Pty) Ltd, was the official pitching den partner of EmpowHER KZN 2023. As part of the judging panel she got to witness the finalists in action and after the event she decided to mentor the winner of KZN, who went on to being the overall winner and became the EmpowHER Entrepreneur of 2023, Ntokozo ‘Melo’ Ntleko.

Reflecting on your experience at the Standard Bank Top Women EmpowHER event  last year, what were your initial thoughts and impressions of the event and the finalists?

Reflecting on my participation in the Standard Bank Top Women EmpowHER event last year fills me with pride. It celebrated women's achievements and their potential to impact industries and communities.

The vibrant atmosphere and inspiring stories shared by accomplished women made the event memorable. I was particularly moved by the diverse finalists, who exemplified resilience, innovation, and leadership, paving the way for future generations.

This experience underscored the importance of platforms that uplift women and the ongoing need to dismantle barriers. The EmpowHER event celebrated our achievements while advocating for continued empowerment across all sectors.

What motivated you to take on the role of a mentor for one of the finalists? What  qualities or potential did you see in her?

I chose to mentor one of the finalists (and overall winner) (Melo from Takkie Wash) because I believe in the power of mentorship to shape future leaders. Having watched my husband and somehow, mentor, I understand the value of mentorship and more importantly, the value of a life/career guide.

I was particularly inspired by the chance to make a meaningful impact on a promising young leader's career and personal growth. Mentorship is about empowering individuals to believe in themselves and face challenges with resilience. I saw this as an opportunity to contribute to women's empowerment by nurturing the next generation of female leaders.

Melo displayed exceptional resilience and determination, essential traits for any leader. Her enthusiasm for her work and genuine desire to make a positive impact were evident. I was also impressed by her openness to learning and willingness to embrace new ideas, showcasing a rare blend of humility and ambition.

I recognised her potential to inspire others, as true leadership involves uplifting those around you. She had a natural ability to connect with and motivate people, and I was confident that with the right guidance, she could thrive.


Mentorship Experience

What were some of the primary goals or areas of focus during your mentorship?

Throughout my mentorship, the primary objectives and focal points were meticulously designed to facilitate Melo’s personal and professional growth. These objectives encompassed:

Enhancing Confidence and Self-Leadership:

We aimed to enhance her self-confidence and leadership skills to improve her decision-making and authoritative presence, crucial for her growth as a leader.

Strategic Thinking and Vision Development:

We assisted her in creating a long-term career and business vision by analysing strategic thinking, identifying growth opportunities, setting actionable goals, and understanding the industry landscape.

Effective Communication and Networking Skills:

We prioritised enhancing her public speaking skills for clearer, more persuasive communication and emphasised the importance of building a strong professional network to support her career.

How did you approach mentoring someone from a different industry or background  than your own?

My methodology was fundamentally based on universal business principles. These principles served as the foundation for numerous discussions as we explored various topics, including strategic planning and execution, network development, and effective communication. Additionally, I made a deliberate choice to gain insights into her business and industry to better support her in making pivotal decisions regarding her operations, especially concerning scaling, service diversification, and operational efficiencies. Through my efforts to understand her industry and the specific intricacies of her operations, I integrated my tactical ideas and motivated her to contemplate their implementation within the framework of her business.


Esay - EmpowHER

Impact and Outcomes

How do you feel the mentorship has impacted the finalist’s career or personal growth  since the event? Have you seen any specific achievements or milestones from the  finalist that you’re particularly proud of?

A significant transformation has been observed in her confidence and leadership presence. She has adopted a more assertive approach to decision-making and now confronts challenges with enhanced self-assurance. This evolution has not only improved her individual performance but has also motivated her team to enhance their own efforts.

She has also significantly expanded her professional network, both within her industry and across other sectors. This has opened up new opportunities for collaboration and career advancement. I’m particularly proud of how she has embraced networking as a tool for growth, something we emphasised during our sessions.

Melo effectively launched a new Takkie Wash store with an embedded coffee shop. This has been successfully led as a major project that not only met but exceeded its objectives. This accomplishment was a direct result of the strategic planning and execution skills we focused on during our mentorship.

One of the most gratifying results has been her emergence into a mentorship position. She has begun to guide her young staff and other budding entrepreneurs, sharing the insights she has gained and enabling others to achieve their goals. This demonstrates her development not only as a leader but also as an individual dedicated to supporting others in their ascent.

These achievements reflect her diligence, commitment, and the promise I recognised in her from the outset. Observing her development and the attainment of these goals has been profoundly rewarding, and I am confident that she will persist in making remarkable  progress in her professional journey and in other endeavours.

In what ways has mentoring this finalist influenced your own professional or personal  perspectives?

This experience has strengthened my conviction regarding the transformative influence of mentorship. Witnessing Melo's development and the significant effect that guidance and support can exert on an individual's career and self-assurance has intensified my dedication to mentoring others. It serves as a reminder that dedicating time to the growth of others not only aids them but also fosters a wider culture of empowerment and leadership.

My involvement in mentoring has notably bolstered my leadership abilities. This experience has required me to embody reflection, patience, and empathy—qualities that are indispensable in any leadership position. By assisting another person, I have refined my capacity to communicate complex ideas effectively, provide valuable feedback, and inspire trust. These skills have been instrumental in my own professional practice.

On a personal level, my experience with mentoring has enriched my sense of purpose. It has clarified my motivations, emphasising that my work is not solely for personal gain but also aimed at making a meaningful difference in the lives of others and nurturing a legacy of capable, successful leaders. This involvement has highlighted the importance of contributing to the community and has driven me to actively seek more mentoring opportunities.


Esay judging

Broader Insights

What advice would you give to other leaders who are considering mentoring young  professionals or participating in similar initiatives?

My advice would be for leaders to understand that it is our moral duty to share and impart knowledge for the continuity of our economic dispensation that rests with the future leaders of our nation. We must, however, take note of the fact that mentoring requires transparency with your journey, reflection of all milestones encountered [Good and bad, success and failures]. It is with true transparency that one can truly be inspired and motivated that all shall prevail successfully even in the presence of adversity.

Second idealism that one must be cognisant of is the idea that not all tactics for one  problem can solve another. Every problem requires one to tackle them in line with the nuances of the situation and standard business principles can be used to effectively diagnose and devise a response plan for such problems, but singular response plan for one problem does not guarantee the same result in other problem.

Mentors must also be ready to open doors, help expand mentees’ network enough that they are able to effectively fend for themselves as they progress with their journey.

EmpowHER is a brilliant place to network with entrepreneurs and businesswomen. We look forward to you joining us, get your ticket here.

Read the 19th edition of Standard Bank Top Women Leaders


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