Lockdown eases and President Ramaphosa salutes the youth of South Africa

No quod sanctus instructior ius, et intellegam interesset duo. Vix cu nibh gubergren dissentias. His velit veniam habemus ne. No doctus neglegentur vituperatoribus est, qui ad ipsum oratio. Ei duo dicant facilisi, qui at harum democritum consetetur.

Lockdown eases and President Ramaphosa salutes the youth of South Africa

In the balancing act of saving lives and livelihoods, last night President Ramaphosa eased the lockdown in South Africa:

“Through the easing of the lockdown, we are continuing to balance our overriding objective of saving lives and preserving livelihoods.”

Which businesses were affected?

These are the businesses which are now allowed to operate – under certain conditions and according to restrictions on public gatherings:

  • Conferences and meetings for business purposes
  • Restaurants for sit-down meals
  • Accredited and licenced accommodation (with the exception of Airbnb and home sharing)
  • Cinemas and theatres
  • Casinos
  • Personal care services, including hairdressers and beauty services
  • Non-contact sports such as golf, tennis, cricket and others
  • Contact sports only for training with restricted use of facilities

“The last three months have been particularly difficult for the millions of women who work as hairdressers, in spas, as therapists and technicians.

“Giving women the necessary support to become financially independent is the greatest of priorities, especially now.” – H.E. Ramaphosa

Earlier this week 16 President Ramaphosa saluted South African youth

On 16 June 2020, South Africa paid tribute to the courage, the resilience and optimism of the youth of 1976, and saluted today’s generation who have great hopes about their own future and the future of our country.

President Ramaphosa requested youth to rise to the challenge of leading our recovery after COVID-19, acknowledging young entrepreneurs and business owners who through their innovative ideas have been able to change their communities for the better and create new employment opportunities.

“The remarkable potential in our young people across all sectors and spaces is undeniable and young people from time immemorial have always been driven by changing the world, by changing the way things are done, by changing the way we live, by changing unjust systems, by bringing about justice and bringing about a new world”.

H.E. Ramaphosa then affirmed government commitment to supporting young people in every stage of life.

“Though the challenges we face are immense our young people have proven time and time again that their immense optimism and desire to make a change is very strong.”

The President concluded by acknowledging the youth as the change agents that this country has been waiting for and must become the vehicles of transformation and innovation. ​

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