Five CEO inspired tips for business success - TopCo Media

Written by Vernon Cheung | May 6, 2020 7:26:45 PM

Five CEO inspired tips for business success

It takes more than one person to make a business successful. Co-Founder and CEO of SynergERP Ashley Regenass shares few tips with us on what makes a business succeed.

1.Put people first

Being in business means that solving problems for others takes precedence over solving your own. If there is one lesson Ashley wishes he had learnt earlier, it is the importance of people – to hear and understand them.

2. Find the right fit for your team

Finding the right fit for the job and the company is absolutely critical for success and tools such as psychometrics can help with this. 

Skills training may be a small percentage of what makes someone succeed but it is an important factor and must be managed by both staff and employer to the company’s benefit.

3.Be open to possibility

When he first started SynergERP, Regenass swore that he would never share the business. However, after six months of conversation and negotiation he realised that a deal with another interested party would help grow the business.


It is one thing to strive for success, but be prepared to fail.  And to quote Google – “Fail fast” so that you can learn fast and improve quickly. You need to create an environment where the whole business understands that this is ok – as long as lessons are learned and success follows. Creating the right company culture will make you an employer of choice for key candidates.

5. One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to marketing

Align your marketing methods with your audience – and test to see if they are working. It is vital to tailor your approach to your brand and business.

Now more than ever it is important to integrate digital marketing into your current marketing methods – ensuring that your approach suits your customers/clients and that it builds your brand and community. One good LinkedIn connection can be worth more than 4000 followers on Instagram depending on your business.  Keep testing, listening and learning.