Build your best team

No quod sanctus instructior ius, et intellegam interesset duo. Vix cu nibh gubergren dissentias. His velit veniam habemus ne. No doctus neglegentur vituperatoribus est, qui ad ipsum oratio. Ei duo dicant facilisi, qui at harum democritum consetetur.

Build your best team

Learning to Maximise Recruitment Tools to Build Your Best Team Masterclass. Some great takeaways from the Masterclass

Employee satisfaction

When it comes to employee satisfaction, financial rewards and fancy chill areas are less important than they used to be – keeping employees happy now depends more on intangibles – in other words, being appreciated and made to feel like the part of a team, especially in these times of isolation and lockdown.

Candidates of the future

Marc Privett (Simplify and Careers24) believes that employers will be looking for certain traits when hiring new employees, something he calls “candidates of the future”. In this era flexibility and adaptability will be key – as well as creativity, emotional intelligence, self leadership and a hunger for learning. And data literacy together with being tech-savvy is right up there with what employers will be actively seeking out.

What used to be normal no longer applies

Social distancing during COVID-19 accelerated the drive for technology and automation – but once lockdown is over we will not be going back to the way things were. Hence the need for data literacy and critical thinking in the candidates of the future.

Jobs will become multi-disciplined – one employee will have to fulfill more than one type of role and businesses will be looking to streamline their business processes and operations.

The 8-hour working day is a thing of the past and “normal” working hours no longer apply. This may have an impact on work/life balance – and burnout will need to be managed carefully.

Ensuring you are an employer of choice

To ensure a company is an employer of choice and attrat key candidates, the company culture and employer branding will be key areas of focus. The job seeker must be seen as a client – what can they expect when they join?

Digitising the recruitment process means recruitment can take place anywhere and customising response to all candidates will result in a slick, professional experience.


1. It will get worse before it gets better

2. Flexibility is key

3. Collaboration is the way forward

4. Be guided by data

5. Our teams need guidance and leadership

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