2020 Top Empowerment Virtual Conference – Guest: Kershini Govender

No quod sanctus instructior ius, et intellegam interesset duo. Vix cu nibh gubergren dissentias. His velit veniam habemus ne. No doctus neglegentur vituperatoribus est, qui ad ipsum oratio. Ei duo dicant facilisi, qui at harum democritum consetetur.

As we build up to the Topco Media 2020 Top Empowerment Virtual Conference on the 22 and 23 July, we speak to the various contributors. One of them is Nedbank which will be hosting a 90-minute session on Day 2 of the Top Empowerment Conference. They will be discussing the Future of Transformation and to tell us more on it,

Guest: Kershini Govender – Executive Head of Transformation and Strategy at Nedbank Limited

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